Monday, October 24, 2016


GMO (genetically modified organism); 


A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Because this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms.
This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same.
The term “genetic modification” is used both commonly and legally to refer to the use of recombinant DNA techniques, in ways that are not possible or desirable in nature, to transfer genetic material between organisms.  This concept of genetic modification brings about alterations in genetic makeup and in the properties of the organism developed.  This technique using genetic engineering is highly mutagenic and leads to unpredictable changes in the DNA and the proteins produced by the GMO that can lead to toxic or allergic reactions.
GM proponents will argue that “genetic modification” has been used for centuries in an attempt to blur the lines and create confusion.  Traditional genetics used selective breeding, tissue cultures, hybridization and other methods that assists nature but does not circumvent natural laws.
The methods used to transfer the genes of modified DNA of a genetically modified plant are imprecise and unpredictable.  These unintended changes are possible differences in the food’s nutritional values, toxic and allergic effects, lower crop yields and unforeseen harm to the environment that cannot be recalled.

GMO is in almost every food we get at our local grocery stores. I did some research on what places did not sell GMO foods and Sprouts is one place where basically it is a farmers market. Another great place to grab a bite to eat is chipotle. The price for organic food is a lot higher price than regular Mcdonalds or your regular walmart groceries. 

 Image result for chipotle food prices

Chipotle and sprouts have two things in common organic another place that actually contains organic is salad on the go. The difference between from organic and gmo foods is that everything is bigger and better but the key thing to gmo foods is that some genes that splice together in the food we eat. They contain a product that gets addicting and thats why we crave mcdonalds or we crave mexican food. The meat is filled with hormones and the corn is sweeter and better. 
If I were to choose any food I would choose non Gmo but that is hard to miss I honestly eat chiptole every other day. I do shop at sprouts but once, in a great while I do crave Jack n the Box tacos. Go organic its a good choice, even though it is more expensive. 
The size of an apple should not be the size of both fist put together the size of an apple should be the size of your palm or smaller. Putting fish oil in apple to become bigger is wrong the more you splice a product the faster is expires. 
Image result for go apple vs organic apple
Image result for go apple vs organic apple

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